How We 3D Print A Tower’s Dome
When was the last time you went for a property search, especially new property launches?
We often scout around the models, checking if the facilities are built as per promised. Checking the traffic around the vicinity, direction and coordinates for the best Feng Shui. These property models are typically handmade from card boards to wood, or even acrylic as these are precise manufacturing methods, however, they are taking at least 1 – 2 months for the production and may cost up to hundred thousands for a simple model with LED lightning etc.
With the understanding that models need to be explicit, one client approached and requested for us to test print the highest part of a tower – a Dome:
File Source: Client
Technology: Polyjet
Printer: Objet Design Series
Materials: VeroWhite Plus, VeroClear, Fullcure 835
Build Time: 7 hours and 7 minutes
Screenshots prior printing:
- We printed this model with Polyjet technology at 30 microns or 0.03mm for the precision. Noticed that it has some windows in between the dome itself?
- It was in glossy finish (hence you would notice the surface is shiny). While the image quality may not be good or it appears to be, rough finishing (blame our phones), it actually has a pretty smooth surface and can be enhanced if needed.
- Traditional model making methods may require assembly and take major time on refining the minor details on the dome. This was printed in mere 7 hours with no touch-up.
- The best part is the material cost is way cheaper than traditional method, contact us to understand more about the costs and ROI.
Seeing AM as a different way to tackle traditional model making not only allows a better ROI, it also allows a better flexibility in terms of man-power. Best part is, you get better quality product as well!